CSSE 221: Fundamentals of Software Development Honors


Programming assignment (due by Saturday, 11:59 pm)

Finish BallWorlds, as stated in the specification, being sure you have checked in your final, fully-documented copy to the repository.

Written homework to do before week 3 (due before beginning of class on Monday, Sept 17).

Answers are to be written in your own words! As usual, please bring hardcopy for written answers to class to hand in on Monday.
  1. Make sure you've done all the reading for the week.
  2. Describe the appropriate uses of each of these visibility modifiers: public, protected, and private. (15 Points, 5 Points Each)
  3. What is a benefit of creating a class that inherits from another class? (10 Points)
  4. Explain the two meanings of the super keyword. Explain the two meanings of the this keyword. How are they related? (25 Points)
  5. If Foo extends Bar, explain the use of each of the following or tell why it is incorrect. (20 Points, 10 Points Each)
    1. Foo f = new Bar();
    2. Bar b = new Foo();
  6. Give an original example in which it is appropriate to use polymorphism. Explain why it’s appropriate. (30 Points)
Reminder that assistants are in Moench F217 during the afternoons and evenings to help you.