This document is the official grade guide for CSSE220.

General Instructions

Unless instructed otherwise, programs are graded in 220 based on the following criteria.

For any points deducted, a note should be placed in your Moodle feedback explaining why. If you do not see feedback and you lost points, contact your grader.


For each item marked (per the grading instructions specific to the assignment):

Full credit Behaves as specifies
80% One “very small” error
40 or 50% One “small to medium-sized” error
0% A “large” error or more than one error


If an assignment does not specify points for style/documentation, you should assume up to 5 points can be taken off for style/documentation.

Note that points will not be taken off for Style/Documentation until we have discussed style in class. Usually the first style graded assignment is Team Gradebook.

Style/Documentation is not graded on exams.

220 Style Rules

Remove 1 or 2 points for a violation of EACH of the following (up to the maximum allotted points for style):


You only need document classes and methods that you have written. Classes where we have provided 50% of the code or more you can leave our documentation.

Remove points for a violation of EACH of the following (up to the maximum allotted points for documentation):


Example of Documentation

Remember: EVERY class must be documented! Above each class, you should include a (Javadoc) comment that has:

Here is an example that shows a simple class with “good” style and documentation. This represents the minimum documentation to receive full credit on any assignment when style/documentation is part of the grading rubric for the assignment:

*   Class: GoodExample
*   @author John Doe
*   Purpose: This class demonstrates the proper coding style.
*        It contains a method to double any integer value
*   Use:
*       GoodExample firstExample = new GoodExample();
*       int doubledValue = firstExample.doubleThatValue(5); //doubledValue should be 10
public class GoodExample {

    // This class returns the value passed in doubled
    public int doubleThatValue(int incomingVariable) {
        return incomingVariable * 2;
}//end class GoodExample

Example of Good Names

public int a(int b, int c) {
    return (b < c) ? c : b;

This code is not readable. Now consider the same method with better coding conventions:

public int max(int num1, int num2) {
    int maxValue = num1;
    if(maxValue < num2) {
        maxValue = num2;
    return maxValue;

Example of Method Length

For the size of methods, this can be tricky sometimes. Researching this topic on Google, you will find MANY opinions regarding the length of a method. Some say a method should NEVER be more than 15 to 20 lines of code. Others say that methods can manageably grow to 100 to 200 lines of code. For our purposes, methods should be kept short. The optimal size of a method allows the full method to be displayed on the computer screen WITHOUT having to scroll to see the whole method. This usually results in approximately 20 lines of code, but can be a little larger. Just remember two things: (1) One method, one task; (2) If you have to scroll to see the whole method, the method should be split.

Also, remember that a method should complete only one task. If you are attempting to do too much in one method, it can quickly grow to an unmanageable mess. In assuring that each method only completes one task, you also assure that the method size remains manageable.

For example, consider the following method to return a letter grade given an array of double values:

public static char getLetterGrade(double[] grades) {
    double total = 0;
    for(double grade : grades) {
        total += grade;
    double avg = total/grades.length;
    char gradeToReturn;
    if(avg >= 90.0)
        gradeToReturn = 'A';
    else if(avg >= 80.0)
        gradeToReturn = 'B';
        gradeToReturn = 'F';
    return gradeToReturn;

Even though this method is still quite small, it is apparent that more than this method contains more than just one task. The following better represents the proper coding style when splitting methods:

private static double getAvg(double[] grades) {
    double total = 0;
    for(double grade : grades) {
        total += grade;
    return total/grades.length;

public static char getLetterGrade(double[] grades) {
    double avg = getAvg(grades);
    char gradeToReturn;
    if(avg >= 90.0)
        gradeToReturn = 'A';
    else if(avg >= 80.0)
        gradeToReturn = 'B';
        gradeToReturn = 'F';
    return gradeToReturn;