Big Java sections that you should be sure to read.
Some, because they are very important.
Others, because they contain more details than we will  have time to cover in class.
Start page Section Subject
50 Section 2.9 API documentation
137 Advanced Topic 4.2 Why floating-point round-odd errors?
160 Productivity Hint 4.2 Reading exception reports
202 Common Error 5.2 Dangling else problem
203 Productivity Hint 5.4 Make Tome for Unexpected Problems
204 Advanced Topic 5.3 Enumerated Types
212 Section 5.5 Test Coverage
214 Quality Tip 5.4 Prepare test cases ahead of time
233 Common Error 6.2 Off-by-one errors
234 Advanced Topic 6.1 do loops
241 Quality Tip 6.1 Use for loops for their intended purpose
243 Quality Tip 6.2 Don't use != to test for end of loop
243 Advanced Topic 6.2 Variables defined in a for loop header
254 Advanced Topic 6.4 break andcontinue statements
256 Section 6.5 Random numbers and simulations
261 Advanced Topic 6.5 loop invariants (and pay attn to this exponentiation algorithm)
273 How To 6.2 Debugging strategy
297 Common Error 7.3 Length and size
298 Section 7.3 Wrappers and auto-boxing
310 Advanced Topic 7.2 Ragged arrays
317 Advanced Topic 7.5 Methods witrh a variable number of parameters
341 Section 8.4 Side effects
346 Advanced Topic 8.1 Call by value, call by reference
347 Section 8.5 Preconditions and postconditions
354 Section 8.7 lastAssignedNumber example
357 Advanced Topic 8.3 Alternate forms of field initialization
360 Section 8.8.3 Overlapping scope
363 Advanced Topic 8.4 Static imports
366 Section 8.9.4 How Classes are Located
372 Section 8.10 Junit
396 Common Errior 9.2 Trying to instantiate an Interface
396 Section 9.3 Polymorphism
405 Advanced Topic 9.2 Anonymous classes
411 Common Error 9.3 Modifying the signature in a Listener method
418 Section 9.9 Processing Timer Events
425 Advanced Topic 9.3 Event Adapters
445 Section 10.3 Inheriting instance fields and methods
450 Common Error 10.3 Failing to invoke superclass method
455 Section 10.6 Polymorphism
461 Advanced topic 10.4 Final Methods and Classes
464 Advanced topic 10.2 Protected Access
475 Advanced topic 10.7 Enumerated Types revisited
487 Common Error 10.8 Components have Zero Width and Height
506 Section 11.3 Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
511 Quality Tip 11.2 Do not squelch exceptions
513 Section 11.6 Designing your own exception types
535 Random fact 12.1 Programmer Productivity
539 Section 12.3 Relationships between classes
592 Section 13.2 Permutations
608 Random fact 13.1 The Lmits of Computation
635 Section 14.3 Algorithm Analysis
642 Section 14.5 Merge sort analysis
654 Section 14.8 Sorting Real Data
657 Advanced topic 14.5 The Comparator Interface
682 Advanced topic 15.2 Static Inner Classes
704 Quality Tip 16.1 Use Interface References to Manipulate Data
715 Section 16.4 Computing Hash Codes
735 Section 16.7 Using Tree Sets and Tree Maps
737 HowTo 16.1 Choosing a Container
768 Section 17.2 Implementing Generic Classes
776 Section 17.3 Generic Methods
778 Common Error 17.1 Genericity and Inheritance